Payment Options
There are two payment options:
1. Electronic Funds Transfer
2. Credit Card
When making payment by EFT, please ensure your surname is listed in the payment reference so we can marry up your payment with your registration form. Bank details below.
Account Name: Medicine On The Edge
Bank: NAB - National Australia Bank
BSB: 084 572
Account Number: 751371996
The SWIFT Number is: NATAAU 3303M
There is no IBAN number as only European Banks use IBAN not Australian ones
The Bank address is:- National Australia Bank, 2 Classic Way, Burleigh Waters QLD 4220 Australia
If you have indicated you wish to pay by credit card on your registration form we will get in touch with you to complete the payment. Please do not send us credit card details via mail or email. Please note that there is a 1.5% processing fee for Credit Card payments.